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Frequently Asked Questions - 十大网赌软件推荐 Online/CANVAS


使用课程简介链接查看课程要求 0x.rohanijelani.com/online/courses.php.

Do I need a computer?

Yes. 因为学生通过网络浏览器和互联网访问他们的课程, 最好有一台能高速上网的电脑. 然而,你可以来到校园,使用为学生提供的许多实验室之一. 它们位于都柏林校区的图书馆和博物馆的主走廊 Christiansburg site.

How do I set up MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication)?

必须设置MFA才能访问myVCCS页面,从而访问画布 courses. You can find tips and setup instructions on this page. You can also contact the helpdesk (nr4help@rohanijelani.com / (540) 674-3600 ext. 4400) for further assistance.


Mozilla Firefox or Chrome must 而不是Safari、Internet Explorer或Microsoft Edge. 测试/测验应该使用“有线”连接-不建议使用无线连接.

What is a proctor?

Some professors require students to take exams/tests at an approved testing site; refer to your course plan in Canvas or visit course profiles 0x.rohanijelani.com/online/courses.php. 监考考试/测试可以在我们的两个测试中心(都柏林校园的马丁大厅或克里斯蒂安堡站点)中的任何一个完成,或者如果你住在学院的服务区域之外,可以通过经批准的监考完成. Proctors are approved at the beginning of each semester. The proctor request form can be accessed at: 0x.rohanijelani.com/online/proctoring.php. The proctoring service will not be available until the 1st day of classes each semester.


If you live in Floyd County, Giles County, Montgomery County, Pulaski County, or Radford City, 您被认为在服务区域内,需要在两个测试中心之一进行测试, either on campus or our Christiansburg site.


在课程开始之前,你可以访问虚拟书店 0x.rohanijelani.com/bookstore 确定课程所需的书籍和材料. 一旦课程开始,你的课程计划将列出所需的书籍和材料. Check the bookstore website for business hours. 图书可以在校园内或通过虚拟书店网站购买.

What does it mean if my course is labeled as Z?

Materials for a Z courses will be less than $40.00 or no cost.

When can I access my materials and start the course?

上课第一天上午8:00,访问Canvas获取课程资料 http://learn.vccs.edu. Also, check emails for information from instructors http://nr.my.vccs.edu. 在第一天上课之前,课程和课程材料是不可用的.

如果您在使用发行商软件时遇到问题(请联系, Pearson, SAM), 请直接向您的导师或该软件的十大网赌排行榜中心提出所有问题.

How do I contact my instructor?

教师信息列在Canvas、课程计划和员工目录中 0x.rohanijelani.com/employees.

Can I be dropped from my course for non-participation?

Yes. 请参阅您的课程计划中的导师退课政策.

When will my instructor grade my work?

Grading schedules vary with each instructor. 如果你对你的作业和/或考试有具体的问题,请联系你的导师.

I was just kicked out of my test in Canvas; what do I do?

如果您被开除或无法参加考试,请立即与您的指导老师联系. Do not to leave the exam once you have started it. 如果你在Canvas中点击离开你的考试,Canvas可能会自动提交它.

I completed my test but don't see a grade?

如果你的考试有开放式问题,你可能需要等待你的教授给考试打分. The instructor may also hide your grades, 如果你对你的成绩有任何疑问,就问你的教授.

How do I get my grades?

大多数课程的成绩都在成绩下面的Canvas中发布. 检查你的课程计划或咨询你的导师,如果你对学期成绩有疑问. 期末成绩可通过学生信息系统(PeopleSoft)在线查询。.

Where do I find my Canvas Account?

Log into "My Accounts" at http://nr.my.vccs.edu 使用MFA(多因素认证),然后点击屏幕上的“画布”贴图.

What if I am having trouble logging in?

如果您有登录或密码问题,请联系十大网赌软件推荐帮助台nr4help@rohanijelani.com or phone 540-674-3600, ext. 4400

What if I have logged in but I can’t see my courses?

如果您已登录,但在“仪表盘”中没有看到任何课程,请参考 Viewing Your Courses Guide.

Where do I find my assignments for my course?

你的作业位于每门课程的模块下. Every course is a little different, 但是你所有的作业都应该列在模块标签下. 检查“公告”,查看您的教练的信息.

How do I get help with Canvas?

By email: online@rohanijelani.com
亲自访问:访问在线学习办公室,Martin Hall 236(图书馆内).

What if I need tutoring for one of my online courses?

Free tutoring is available to all 十大网赌软件推荐 students. 欲了解更多信息,请访问学术成功中心网站, 0x.rohanijelani.com/asc. You can contact them by phone at (540) 674-3664.


注册十大网赌软件推荐警报,它会根据你的喜好给你打电话、发短信或发电子邮件. Go to 0x.rohanijelani.com/alert/ to sign up. A notification will be posted on the 十大网赌软件推荐 home page (nr.(Edu)提醒校园社区关闭或延误. 由于天气原因,十大网赌软件推荐的工作人员无法通知可能的关闭或延迟.


十大网赌软件推荐有很棒的顾问,可以帮助你审查你的选择,并选择最适合你的课程. You can email advising@rohanijelani.com , call 540-674-3609, 或者在上午8点到下午5点之间到洛克大厅办公室或克里斯蒂安斯堡网站获取更多信息. Hours may vary. 请致电您有兴趣参观的地点,以确保有人可以帮助您

What are NOVA classes?

NOVA课程由十大网赌软件推荐提供,但由NOVA(北十大网赌排行榜)教授授课. 它们都在网上,在你的课程表上标有“N”. Sign up for these classes through an 十大网赌软件推荐 advisor.


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十大网赌软件推荐 IN DUBLIN:

  •  5251 College Drive
  •  Dublin, VA 24084
  •  (540) 674-3600
  •  Toll Free: 866-462-6722
  •  Fax: (540) 674-3602
  •  Directions


  •  782 New River Road NW, Suite 400
  •  Christiansburg, VA 24073
  •  (540) 674-3610
  •  Fax: (540) 381-7128
  •  Directions
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